Sugarbush 1 - Pelvic Floor
We will palpate the bones that are the scaffolding for the pelvic floor musculature. There will be a brief review of the superficial and deep muscular structures of the pelvic floor. We will then choose a few manual release techniques for the major and minor muscles. This session should be paired with session 2 if possible. We will use session 2 to get through any extra content!
Sugarbush 2 - Genitals!
In session 2 we will take time to wrap up the content from session 1. We will then go over inner and outer labia, the clitoral hood and the neurology around all of the vulvovaginal structures. We will also look at the anatomy of the vagina, the urethral sponge, the urethra, anus and rectum. The mechanics of female ejacualtion or “squirting” will be introduced and we will talk about how practicing anything will get you to where you want to go with your pleasure!
Sugarbush 3 - External and Internal Genital Anatomy
We will start by looking at the structures of arousal in the pelvis. Next we’ll dive into how to awaken the neural framework and discuss practices to increase sensation in all of these structures during excitation. Lately we will discuss how the autonomic nervous system activates during intimacy and sexual arousal.
Sugarbush 4 - Nipples, Lips, Toes and Brain
For humans with a vulva and vagina, the brain, nipples and other parts of the body can be as important as the genitals. We will look at the idea of “sensation in context” as it relates to being ready and available for sex and how physical stimulation lights up the brain. From a physiological perspective, time and attention are essential! Let’s talk about it and why it’s important to take our time to maximize pleasure.
Sugarbush 5 (Part 1) - Dual Control Model
The Dual Control model is based on the work of Emily Nagoski Ph. D. This is “the central mechanism that governs sexual arousal, which controls how and when you respond to sexually relevant sights, sounds, sensations and ideas.” According to the model, arousal is a dual process of activating the accelerator and deactivating the brakes. We will look at what all of this means in relation to when we get turned on and how!
Sugarbush 5 (Part 2) - Dual Control Model
The Dual Control model is based on the work of Emily Nagoski Ph. D. This is “the central mechanism that governs sexual arousal, which controls how and when you respond to sexually relevant sights, sounds, sensations and ideas.” According to the model, arousal is a dual process of activating the accelerator and deactivating the brakes. We will look at what all of this means in relation to when we get turned on and how!
Sugarbush 6 - Sacred Sexuality
Bodies that bring life into this realm have traditionally been thought of as magical, mystical and sacred. Within the context of the patriarchy, not so much. Let’s define what that would feel and look like for each of us and establish practices to cultivate our sacred sexuality! We will also spend time crafting an altar to give honor to the divine and the divine in ourselves!
Sugarbush 7 - Loss of Sexual Safety
We will establish a body-informed practice for trauma recovery and talk about ways to embody increased sensation. I will present the basics of how the autonomic system works, talk about how it responds under threats of safety and how to work with the vagus nerve to re-regulate after a traumatic event.
Sugarbush 8 - The practice of rewiring
Conservative estimates are that 60% of humans with vulvas and vaginas in the U.S. have endured a sexual assualt. ‘Freeze’ is a response to trauma. In the genitals and cervix it can manifest as numbness. Luckily we have the power to mobilize, with just a little consistent practice. This practice will start by clearly defining what feels good and how to magnify that – for example, by awakening through touch and local tissue release.
Sugarbush 9 - The Diaphragms and Abs
During this session we will learn to awaken the strength and mobility of the respiratory and pelvic diaphragm to counteract prolapse and increase abdominal support and strength. We’ll also practice and engage in breathing techniques to enliven sensation in the abdominals and structures of sexual response.
Sugarbush 10 - Toys
TOYS! Let’s talk about toys! There are more toys in the pleasure space being designed by and for women. In this session we will take the time this subject deserves for a full debriefing. Join me and we will go through it all: lubricants, dildos, strap ons, and more!
Sugarbush 11 - In Fertility
Menstruation, Follicular Phase, Ovulation and Luteal Phase. Understanding the basics of how testosterone, progesterone and estrogen affect our bodies on a monthly basis and over a lifetime is important. It also provides tools for understanding how to strategize managing your energy at work and for athletic training and performance.